Why put foil on doorknob

why put foil on doorknob

In the realm of household hacks and DIY solutions, one peculiar yet effective technique has been gaining attention – putting foil on doorknobs. While it might seem unconventional, there are valid reasons behind this practice that extend beyond the surface. In this article, we will delve into the intriguing world of why people put foil on doorknobs, exploring both the practical and creative aspects of this unexpected trend.

Understanding the Basics

Before delving into the reasons behind putting foil on doorknobs, let’s first understand the basics. The doorknob, a ubiquitous element in every household, is not merely a decorative item but also a potential breeding ground for germs and bacteria. As hands frequently come in contact with doorknobs, they become susceptible to various contaminants. This realization has led individuals to seek innovative solutions, with one such solution being the use of foil.

Reasons Why People Put Foil on Doorknobs

Hygiene and Sanitization

One of the primary reasons for putting foil on doorknobs is to maintain hygiene and prevent the spread of germs. Doorknobs, being high-touch surfaces, can harbor bacteria and viruses, especially in shared spaces. By covering the doorknob with foil, individuals create a barrier that protects them from direct contact with potentially harmful microorganisms.

Additionally, the reflective surface of the foil makes it easier to spot dirt and grime, prompting regular cleaning. This simple practice contributes to a cleaner and healthier living environment.

DIY Antimicrobial Shield

Foil possesses antimicrobial properties, making it an inexpensive and readily available material to create a DIY antimicrobial shield for doorknobs. The reflective surface not only acts as a physical barrier but can also inhibit the growth of microbes, providing an added layer of protection against germs.

To implement this, individuals can wrap the doorknob securely with aluminum foil, ensuring that the entire surface is covered. This DIY approach is not only practical but also cost-effective, making it an attractive option for those who prioritize cleanliness.

Energy Efficiency and Insulation

Surprisingly, foil on doorknobs can also serve a practical purpose in terms of energy efficiency. During extreme weather conditions, such as winter cold or summer heat, doorknobs can become conduits for temperature transfer. Wrapping the doorknob with foil acts as a thermal barrier, preventing the rapid transfer of heat or cold from one side of the door to the other.

This simple yet effective method aids in maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature and can contribute to energy savings by reducing the workload on heating or cooling systems.

Creativity in Home Decor

Beyond the practical aspects, some individuals use foil on doorknobs as a creative expression in home decor. The reflective and metallic nature of foil can add a touch of modernity and uniqueness to an otherwise mundane element in the home. This trend has gained popularity among DIY enthusiasts who seek inventive ways to personalize their living spaces.

For those looking to make a statement or add a futuristic aesthetic to their interiors, covering doorknobs with foil becomes a quirky and imaginative design choice.

Psychological Comfort and Mindfulness

The act of putting foil on doorknobs can also have psychological benefits. In a world where individuals are increasingly mindful of cleanliness and personal space, this practice serves as a tangible reminder of one’s commitment to hygiene. The act itself can bring a sense of control and assurance, fostering a more mindful and intentional approach to daily activities.


In conclusion, the seemingly unconventional practice of putting foil on doorknobs has multifaceted benefits that extend beyond the surface. From maintaining hygiene and creating a DIY antimicrobial shield to contributing to energy efficiency and serving as a creative home decor element, this trend has captured the interest of those seeking practical and innovative solutions.

Whether you choose to adopt this practice for its functional advantages or as a creative expression, the versatility of foil on doorknobs demonstrates that sometimes the simplest solutions can have the most significant impact. As we navigate the evolving landscape of household hacks, the foil-covered doorknob stands out as a shining example of resourcefulness and creativity in everyday life.

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