stihl ms 271 problems

stihl ms 271 problems

The Stihl MS 271 chainsaw is a powerful and reliable tool, widely used by homeowners and professionals alike for various cutting tasks. However, like any piece of machinery, it is not immune to issues that can arise over time. In this article, we will delve into some common Stihl MS 271 problems, exploring their causes and offering practical solutions to keep your chainsaw in top-notch condition.

Chain Tensioning Woes

One of the recurring problems users encounter with the Stihl MS 271 is chain tensioning issues. Improper chain tension can lead to decreased performance and even pose safety hazards. To ensure optimal functioning, regularly check and adjust the chain tension according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.

To address this problem, start by turning off the chainsaw and allowing it to cool down. Use the appropriate tool to adjust the tension, making sure the chain is snug against the guide bar without being too tight. Regular maintenance checks can prevent this issue from becoming a persistent headache.

Starting Difficulties

Difficulty in starting the Stihl MS 271 is another concern users often face. This problem can stem from various factors, including a clogged air filter, a flooded engine, or issues with the spark plug. Begin troubleshooting by inspecting the air filter and cleaning or replacing it if necessary.

If the chainsaw still struggles to start, check the spark plug for signs of fouling or damage. A simple spark plug replacement might be the solution. Additionally, ensure that you are following the correct starting procedure outlined in the user manual, as improper starting techniques can contribute to this problem.

Inconsistent Cutting Performance

Users may experience inconsistent cutting performance with their Stihl MS 271, which can be attributed to several factors. Dull or damaged chains, improper fuel mixture, or a dirty air filter can all contribute to subpar cutting results. Regularly sharpen the chains and replace them if necessary, ensuring they are properly tensioned.

Check the fuel mixture to ensure it meets the manufacturer’s specifications. Running the chainsaw on a correct fuel mixture not only improves performance but also extends the life of the engine. Additionally, a clean air filter promotes optimal airflow, contributing to consistent cutting performance.

Overheating Concerns

Overheating is a common problem with many chainsaws, and the Stihl MS 271 is no exception. Continuous operation without proper breaks, a dirty or clogged cooling system, or a malfunctioning clutch can lead to overheating. To prevent this issue, be mindful of the recommended usage duration and allow the chainsaw to cool down between extended use.

Regularly clean the cooling fins and ensure the clutch is functioning correctly. If the problem persists, it may be indicative of a more significant issue, and seeking professional assistance is recommended.

Oil Leakage

Oil leakage is an issue that some Stihl MS 271 users encounter, and it can be a messy and potentially damaging problem. The source of the leakage is often the oil tank or oil lines. Regularly inspect the chainsaw for any visible oil leaks, and if detected, address the issue promptly.

Check the oil tank and lines for cracks or damage, and replace any faulty components. Additionally, ensure that you are using the recommended bar and chain oil and not exceeding the maximum fill level. Proper maintenance and timely repairs can prevent oil leakage and preserve the longevity of your chainsaw.


While the Stihl MS 271 is a robust and reliable chainsaw, users may encounter various problems during its lifespan. By addressing these issues promptly and performing regular maintenance, you can ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your Stihl MS 271. Remember to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines, use the correct fuel mixture, and conduct routine checks to keep your chainsaw in top-notch condition. With proper care, you can enjoy the efficiency and power of your Stihl MS 271 for years to come.

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