Essential Russian Dog Commands: A Comprehensive Guide

russian dog commands

Owning a dog can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but effective communication is key to building a strong bond with your furry friend. While many dog owners are familiar with basic obedience commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come,” exploring commands from different cultures can add an exciting and enriching dimension to your canine-human relationship. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of Essential Russian Dog Commands, providing you with valuable insights into their importance and how to effectively incorporate them into your training routine.

Understanding the Significance of Russian Dog Commands

Russian dog commands are not just cultural nuances; they are proven methods to enhance communication and control between owners and their dogs. The use of these commands can be especially beneficial for those with breeds that originated in Russia, such as the Siberian Husky or the Russian Toy. Even if your canine companion doesn’t hail from Russian heritage, incorporating these commands can add variety to your training sessions, keeping your dog mentally stimulated and engaged.

“Сидеть” (Sit)

The Foundation of Obedience

The first and perhaps the most fundamental command in any dog training repertoire is “Сидеть” or “sit” in Russian. Teaching your dog to sit on command is a building block for other commands and is an essential aspect of canine manners. Begin by holding a treat close to your dog’s nose and slowly lifting it upwards. As your dog follows the treat’s movement, its bottom will naturally lower to the ground. Once in the sitting position, say “Сидеть” and reward your pup with the treat.

“Лежать” (Down)

Creating a Calm and Submissive Posture

“Лежать,” or “down” in Russian, is another crucial command that promotes calm behavior and a submissive posture. To teach this command, start with your dog in a sitting position. Hold a treat in front of its nose and slowly lower it to the ground, leading your dog into a lying position. Once your dog is down, say “Лежать” and reward it. Consistent practice will help your dog associate the command with the action.

“Фу” (Leave It)

Ensuring Safety and Discipline

“Фу” or “leave it” is a versatile command that can be a lifesaver in various situations. Whether your dog is about to snatch something harmful or is overly excited about a toy, teaching “Фу” can help you regain control. Begin by placing a treat in your closed fist and presenting it to your dog. When your dog tries to get the treat, firmly say “Фу” and close your hand. Only reward your dog when it stops trying to access the treat.

“Ко мне” (Come)

Building Trust and Recall

“Ко мне” or “come” is an essential command for a dog’s safety and your peace of mind. Establishing a reliable recall is crucial, especially in outdoor environments. Begin by kneeling down and encouraging your dog to come to you with an open and inviting posture. Use the command “Ко мне” while patting your legs or clapping your hands to attract your dog’s attention. When your dog comes to you, reward it with praise and treats.

“Фас” (Heel)

Mastering Loose Leash Walking

Walking your dog should be a pleasant experience for both of you, and teaching the command “Фас” or “heel” in Russian can make walks more enjoyable. Start with your dog on your left side and use a treat to lure it into the proper position. As your dog walks beside you without pulling, say “Фас” and reward it. Consistency is key to reinforcing this command, so practice regularly during walks.

“Место” (Place)

Creating a Designated Rest Area

Teaching your dog to go to a designated spot, such as a bed or mat, is useful in various situations, from family dinners to welcoming guests. “Место” or “place” in Russian can help you establish a specific location for your dog to rest. Guide your dog to the chosen spot, say “Место,” and reward it for staying there. Gradually increase the duration your dog spends in its designated place.

“Подай” (Give)

Encouraging Gentle Mouth Behavior

“Mouth manners” are crucial for any dog, and “Подай” or “give” in Russian is a command that teaches your dog to release objects gently. Begin by offering your dog a toy or object and saying “Подай.” When your dog willingly releases the item, reward it with a treat. This command is particularly helpful in preventing possessiveness over toys and promoting safe play.

“Апорт” (Fetch)

Fun and Exercise Combined

While not exclusive to Russian dog commands, “Апорт” or “fetch” is a universally enjoyable activity for dogs. Teaching your dog to retrieve objects can be a great way to provide mental and physical stimulation. Start with a favorite toy and throw it a short distance. Encourage your dog to bring it back with the command “Апорт.” Reward your dog for returning the item, gradually increasing the distance over time.


Incorporating Essential Russian Dog Commands into your training routine can enhance the communication and bond between you and your furry companion. These commands not only provide a unique cultural twist to your dog’s education but also contribute to a well-behaved and disciplined pet. Remember that consistency, positive reinforcement, and patience are key components of successful dog training. By investing time and effort into teaching these commands, you’ll not only have a well-trained dog but also a deeper connection with your canine friend. So, start integrating these commands into your training sessions and enjoy the transformative journey of building a strong and harmonious relationship with your Russian dog commands-trained pup.

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